Line Item Budget 2


Excerpt from a grant to gather a seminary’s faculty to discuss the integrating seminar. Untitled Document


 Line Item Budget
 Fall Retreat
 Retreat Consultant
 Field Supervisor’s stipend
 Field Supervisor’s lunch
 Faculty Committee  
 Books and Resources

Three Year Budget Total = $19,420

Budget Narrative:


Three two-day August retreats include 22 faculty at $120 each for food and lodging ($2640); set-up meeting room fee ($100). Faculty will assemble at a nearby ranch for the retreats. Food and lodging and meeting rooms are figured as a group per person cost.

Year One Retreat will focus on reviewing current pedagogical approaches to integration.
Year Two Retreat will focus on designing a plan to enhance integration of learning in the M.Div. program.
Year Three Retreat will focus on the implementation and assessment process.


A stipend and travel will be paid to an outside consultant during the grant period. Initial contact was made with the consultant who has agreed to act as our project consultant/facilitator over the three-year period. He will facilitate the faculty retreats and come to campus at least once a year to review the progress of the project.

Field Supervisors Stipend and Lunch 

Students are required to complete field placements. During these placements, supervisors observe how effectively students are able to integrate their theology with experience. Twenty supervisors will act as consultants to OST and participate in a workshop and lunch to give input to the process of integration. (Stipend 20 x $75=1500; Lunch 20 x $7.00=$140)

Books and resources 

This budgeted item provides funds to purchase books and/or to print articles in preparation for participation in retreats and workshops. Supplies for meetings, printing costs, binders will be included in this item.

Faculty Committee 

A faculty committee will be formed during the second year to assist the program director in formulating the plan and assessment tool for the integration process. This $1,600 will provide stipends for the faculty who work on the committee. (4 members will be paid $200 each year for their additional work.)

Wabash Center