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It’s a relief to some professors to find that making their course antiracist is not simply about introducing heavy and sometimes politicized topics into class discussion. I find that moving one’s course further along the antiracism spectrum can, and should, start with the syllabus! None of the below ...

“It’s like you’re crying out for them to trust you.” These insightful words were said to me nearly 10 years ago in a small group conversation at a Wabash Workshop for Pre-Tenure Theological School Faculty. I remember the conversation with gratitude.  We were sharing with each other what we ...

For the past twelve months, I have made several pivots in my teaching to meet what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. identified in his 1967 speech on the war in Vietnam at The Riverside Church in New York City as “the fierce urgency of now.” Dr. King began by affirming the ...

During the past year, two of my favorite Brazilian writers and educators, Luiz Antonio Simas and Luiz Rufino collaborated on yet another book: Encantamento: Sobre a Política da Vida (Incantation: On the Politics of Life).  One of the central affirmations of their work (which follows their previous co-authored publications: ...

Syllabi cover image

Around a Religious Text: The Bhagavadgītā

Tags: syllabus
Course Level-Format: undergraduate   |   online only
Instructor: Manasicha Akepiyapornchai
Institution: Cornell University

Course Term: Fall
Course Year: 2020


A 2020 course by Manasicha Akepiyapornchai at Cornell University "explores the Bhagavadgītā in different aspects to answer the question of how powerful a religious text can be. We will discuss how translations, commentaries, biographies, and scholarly sources shape the Bhagavadgītā and contribute to its popularity in the premodern and contemporary histories."

Wabash Center