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If you teach long enough, you will teach a course that feels flat, has low morale, or even fails.  While a totally ruined course is rare, there are moments when the sinking, the malaise—yours and that of the students, happens.  We all know this experience. If you have never ...

In the early sixties, our three-generational family lived in a tight-knit African American community in north Philly. Van Pelt Street, just off of Diamond Street, was a long city block of home owners who knew each other, looked out for each other, and cared for all the families on the ...

Syllabi cover image

Faith, Reason, and Culture

Tags: syllabi   |   resources
Course Level-Format: undergraduate
Instructor: Christy Lane Hearlson
Institution: Villanova University

Course Term: Spring
Course Year: 2019


A 2019 course by Christy Lang Hearlson at Villanova University adopts a practical theology approach ("a way of doing theology that attends to lived reality and practice, engages in interdisciplinary dialogue, and seeks to cultivate practical wisdom for life") to critical issues of contemporary life using the case study of "consumerism." The course has "a particular (but not exclusive) focus on Roman Catholicism."

Wabash Center