Syllabi - Topic: Holocaust - 5 results
Select an item by clicking its checkboxA 2013 course by Tyler Mayfield and Johanna W.H. van Wijk-Bos at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary "critically examines Christian biblical interpretation in light of the Holocaust."
A 2015 course by Lois E. Olena at The King's University on "anti-Semitism through the centuries and its origins."
A course by Kevin Lewis at the University of South Carolina aims at "critically appraising meaning and method in films meant to stir reflection on potent material."
A course by James Diamond at the University of Waterloo explores "philosophical, theological . . . literary . . . and artistic attempts to deal with the issues the Holocaust raises."
A 2001 course by Roy Furman and Jeffrey Carlson at DePaul University is "a critical consideration of the moral, religious and theological implications of Nazi Germanyâs "war against the Jews," the intentional and calculated destruction of some 6 million European Jews" through analysis of "the development of racial anti-Semitism and religious anti-Judaism."