Re/Kindling Creativity and Imagination

Welcome to the Wabash Center's blog series:

Re/Kindling Creativity and Imagination

The teaching life can mean encounters of wonder, an unfolding mystery replete with the occasional healing, and ever shifting awareness of the human experience.

This blog column invites reflections on the inner-workings of teaching that depends upon creativity and imagination – by both teacher and learner.

  • What approaches, habits and practices of ingenuity and courage support the (un)common experience of teaching?
  • What does it mean to incorporate creative thought and praxis in meaningful and effective ways?

Submitted reflections may be written in creative non-fiction or fiction. With any submission to this column, we encourage related submissions of original interrelated art pieces (e.g., poetry, video, visual art, music).

We invite bloggers and video-loggers across the fields of religion and theology, as well as interdisciplinarians, to engage the conversation on "Rekindling Creativity and Imagination."

Instructions for blog writers and vlog makers: The instructions are focused on written blogs, yet the same principles apply to vlog creation as well.

Honorarium: Writers will be provided with a $100 honorarium for each blog or vlog post that is published on the Wabash Center website.

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During my teaching experience in Zambia, music became an important part of the day-to-day life of my students’ coursework. When I first asked the students to share about things they valued from their own culture, one of the elements they mentioned was their love for music. As I was to ...

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