Embodied Teaching
Welcome to the Wabash Center's blog series:
Embodied Teaching
What is embodied teaching? This question has been an integral part of Wabash Center conversations since the late 1990s. Early career teaching and learning workshop participants in Wabash Center workshops have discussed the notion of embodied pedagogy in a range of ways. Over 25 religion and theology faculty will contribute to this blog series. Each writer will explore some of the contours and issues of embodied pedagogy and will reflect on how contemporary multimodal communication influences student learning and takes seriously the whole self as loci for learning and knowing.
Instructions for blog writers and vlog makers:
https://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/resources/blog/instructions-for-blog-writers/. The instructions are focused on written blogs, yet the same principles apply to vlog creation as well.
Honorarium: Writers will be provided with a $100 honorarium for each blog or vlog post that is published on the Wabash Center website.
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Take a deep breath in … and exhale. This has been a recurring practice in my classrooms lately. Taking a moment to breathe – both physically and pedagogically. What started as an interesting idea to shape my classes in a rhythm of breath, has proven to be a welcomed experience for students ...
This semester I taught the Gospel of Luke for the first time. My class was a seminar style class with seven students who worked diligently through the Lucan text while also engaging various scholars and they ways that these scholars used a variety of methods for interpretation. Since most of ...
Trauma. Is there any more apt word for the past few years? COVID-19, social distancing, racialized violence, political insurrection—these are just a few of the collective traumas affecting our lives. I’m sure each of us can name additional layers from a personal standpoint, from broken relationships to untimely ...
Proponents and practitioners of multisensory learning are experiencing a loss as it becomes clear that the shift to virtual and hi-flex learning has become a norm in many institutions, not the short-term solution it once seemed it would be. How can we learn in an embodied way when all we ...
What do artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, and other new media arts have to teach us about the teaching and learning of religious worldviews, imagination, and symbols? To find this out, a small group of scholars in religion and theology, funded by a Wabash Center Grant, visited the Massachusetts Institute ...