Embodied Teaching
Welcome to the Wabash Center's blog series:
Embodied Teaching
What is embodied teaching? This question has been an integral part of Wabash Center conversations since the late 1990s. Early career teaching and learning workshop participants in Wabash Center workshops have discussed the notion of embodied pedagogy in a range of ways. Over 25 religion and theology faculty will contribute to this blog series. Each writer will explore some of the contours and issues of embodied pedagogy and will reflect on how contemporary multimodal communication influences student learning and takes seriously the whole self as loci for learning and knowing.
Instructions for blog writers and vlog makers:
https://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/resources/blog/instructions-for-blog-writers/. The instructions are focused on written blogs, yet the same principles apply to vlog creation as well.
Honorarium: Writers will be provided with a $100 honorarium for each blog or vlog post that is published on the Wabash Center website.
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…and they had the best class ever. I was honestly surprised I made it a whole month into the semester before getting sick, what with a preschooler at home. Much of the time, despite everything we should have learned from COVID, I strap on a mask and go teach anyway – ...
There is a setting on Zoom which allows participants to blur their background. The individual is fully aware of the personal home, office, car, or other location. However, viewers on the Zoom line, if you will, have to guess or surmise the place behind the face. I know where I ...
Part One: Ritual Is Communal Learning. We might agree that “community” is a dynamic, divine dance among individuals who, at any given moment, can structure and normalize what might have begun as a spontaneous, enlivening interaction. Community, in the context of our classrooms, can either be a routinized structure of ...
One of my courses is a first-year tutorial designed to fit in with the college-wide objectives to develop new students’ basic academic skills, including writing, critical reading, and oral communication. It also involves individually advising new students to navigate their learning journey until they declare their major field of study. ...
I was asked for pictures of me while teaching in the classroom. An organization I’m part of wanted them for one of their platforms and I obliged. I asked a student to use their phone to take pictures of me during one of our class sessions. I asked them ...