Embodied Teaching
Welcome to the Wabash Center's blog series:
Embodied Teaching
What is embodied teaching? This question has been an integral part of Wabash Center conversations since the late 1990s. Early career teaching and learning workshop participants in Wabash Center workshops have discussed the notion of embodied pedagogy in a range of ways. Over 25 religion and theology faculty will contribute to this blog series. Each writer will explore some of the contours and issues of embodied pedagogy and will reflect on how contemporary multimodal communication influences student learning and takes seriously the whole self as loci for learning and knowing.
Instructions for blog writers and vlog makers:
https://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/resources/blog/instructions-for-blog-writers/. The instructions are focused on written blogs, yet the same principles apply to vlog creation as well.
Honorarium: Writers will be provided with a $100 honorarium for each blog or vlog post that is published on the Wabash Center website.
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In a previous blog, I surmised that the diversity of students within theological education is one of its greatest strengths and one of its deepest challenges. One reason that theological institutions comprise among the most diverse student populations in higher education is access. Comparatively speaking, theological schools have fewer barriers ...
I was the only Hispanic student in my elementary school. In high school I was always in some kind of conflict because I was still the only Hispanic. My whole life I have had to learn to navigate a culture in which I stood out for various reasons. This in-betweenness ...
Like so many others during the pandemic I picked up a new hobby. Breadmaking was already claimed by two others in my family, so I decided to turn to houseplants. Gardening has always been therapeutic for me, so I sensed I would like getting my hands dirty indoors as well, ...
I thought it was a simple trip to the lawyer’s office to sign some documents. The previous week my spouse and I had an appointment to discuss estate planning, powers of attorney, and beneficiaries. It’s not that we are ill or old, whatever old is these days. However, ...
As a seminarian in Louisville, Kentucky, I was challenged to discern what kind of ministerial vocation I wanted to pursue. I felt my “calling” was to teach, but even teaching, if done with care and concern for the students, could in some ways be “ministerial.” My greater concern was with ...