Democracy Matters In Teaching

Welcome to the Wabash Center's blog series:

Democracy Matters In Teaching

Democracy, the principle of fair and equal treatment of everyone in a state, community, or institution, is the ultimate equity strategy.  Democracy is complicated. In this time of competing agendas, crises, societal upheaval, and multiple pandemics, no singular idea of democracy can be taken for granted.  The great experiment of democracy is, like liturgy, the “work of the people.” The Wabash Center is opening a discursive lane in our blogosphere for varied voices across the fields to consider the ramifications of democracy in our religion and theology classrooms. 

In this new series (blog, vlog, artwork), we invite scholars to consider the role of religion in democracy and likewise, the role of democracy in teaching religion and theology. 

  • How do notions, practices, and rituals of democracy shape our pedagogies, teaching practices, and lives as teachers? 
  • What understandings of democracy do students bring into educational institutions, and how does that shape the work of teaching?  
  • What impact do these understandings of democracy have on student formation and the leadership students provide in their communities? 
  • What does it mean to teach democracy when democracy is a blatantly contested ideal in the wider society?  

We invite bloggers and video-loggers across the fields of religion and theology, as well as interdisciplinarians, to engage the conversation on "Democracy Matters in Teaching."

Instructions for blog writers and vlog makers: The instructions are focused on written blogs, yet the same principles apply to vlog creation as well.

Honorarium: Writers will be provided with a $100 honorarium for each blog or vlog post that is published on the Wabash Center website.

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As religious and theological educators, one way to encourage democratic formation among our students is to teach about democracy, especially about the historical relationship between religious institutions and democracy. Another way is to provide opportunities for students to practice democracy. In other words, we might consider how our classrooms and ...

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