Changing Scholarship

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The Feminist Critical Hindu Studies Collective (FCHS) Critical Hindu Studies Seminar at Wabash Center Funded Retreat, May 2023 Top left to right: Marko Geslani, Jamal Jones, Vijaya Nagarajan, Shana Sippy, Harshita Mruthinti Kamath Second row left to right: Shreena Gandhi, Varun Khanna (Vishwa Khanna in lap), Rupa Pillai, Sailaja Krishnamurti Bottom ...

I recently returned from an overnight trip to see some old family friends. They live about four hours away by car, so I only make it for a visit once every year or two. My friends have seven children, ranging from teenagers to young adults. So, there’s usually a ...

It is intimidating to write this blog because I am by no means an expert who has all the answers to the toughest questions about teaching in theological education. But I do want to offer these tips and hard truths. Some of what I share is a distillation of wise ...

What Listening is Not It will be obvious to some and painfully invisible to others, but it will lurk in quiet corners of the classroom. And it will grow and stretch and plant roots in many imaginations as being OK. Only some in the classroom will feel the discomfort and ...

Lurking on social media the other day, I listened to colleagues discussing how to respond to a student paper in a philosophy class. The assignment was about our responsibilities towards (nonhuman) animals. The student argued that we can do whatever we want with animals because God has given us dominion ...

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